Union KC Fee Summary 2024-2025

OUR FEES – There is a wide variety of ways that soccer clubs in our area post and collect fees. Union KC has taken a different approach than many other clubs and uses an “All-In” approach with our club and team fees. We feel this approach is the best way for our members to accurately budget and not be surprised by additional or hidden team charges throughout the season. Additionally, we offer multiple payment plan options and discounts for pay-in-full and siblings. The exact player fees for a specific team will be provided in a player’s official team invitation. This is also when a payment plan is chosen, and any applicable discounts are applied.

(Q) Are there any additional club or team fees that will potentially be incurred throughout the year?

(A) The vast majority of teams fully operate within their team budgets, and it is rare for teams to incur charges outside of their established budgets. The primary exception to this is teams that advance to Regional and/or National post season play. Teams advancing will incur additional fees to cover coach travel expenses and team registration when applicable. Team fundraising is encouraged to offset these types of expenses. 

(Q) How does Union KC handle eighth grade players during the year their birth age group is split between high school and middle school when their teammates are playing in their High School seasons (Fall Season for Boys; Spring Season for Girls)? This is commonly referred to as their “trapped” or “hybrid” year.

(A) During tryouts teams are selected based on the full birth year and offers received are based on the high school fee structure. This is the players primary club team (Boys, Nov-May; Girls, Aug-Feb). Players that are in eighth grade will be assigned a “Hybrid” team during the season which conflicts with their teammates' high school season (Boys = Fall; Girls = Spring). Those players will have an additional flat fee of $500 billed separately for their club hybrid season. The $500 fee covers coaching, league, practice fields, and two local events. Given the depth our club has, we are able to provide a great “hybrid” season for our players with multiple teams.

How often do uniforms need to be purchased and is that a separate charge?

(A) Uniform costs are not included in Club/Team Fees. These are ordered and purchased directly through Soccer Master’s My Uniform system. Union KC uniforms are on a two-year cycle. The upcoming 2024-25 season is a “Full” uniform year so all players will need to purchase uniforms.  New players to the club will need to purchase the appropriate uniform kit(s) that their team requires. Information for sizing and ordering deadlines will be communicated following team acceptance after tryouts.

) When accepting my players payment plan, I’m not seeing the sibling discount being applied. How do I resolve this?

(A) Within Playmetrics, the sibling discount function is not properly recognized when players from the same family account are accepted at different times. When this occurs, please contact Jennifer Mathis, Director of Accounting and Finance, via email at jmathis@unionkcsoccer.com and she will manually assign the discount to the player account prior to your acceptance or make the appropriate adjustment within your remaining payments or refunds if already accepted.

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